August Random Favourites

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Hey Honeybees!

Here are my random favourites from August, they include films, TV, Netflix and Youtuber channels.


A film I loved this Month is Guardians Of The Galaxy. Guardians of the Galaxy is a story about a boy who gets abducted with his Walkman and mix tape by Aliens in the eighties and 26 years later is being pursued by Ronan the accuser to take an orb Peter has in his possession. Peter joins forces with four other characters Rocket, Groot, Gamora and Drax to stop Ronan getting hold of the orb. This film is really funny and has a great story as well as great characters. My Favourite character has to be Groot played by Vin diesel a rather large tree that only says "I am Groot" Another amazing thing about the film is the music he plays on his Walkman it is an amazing mix tape with some awesome tunes. If you haven't seen this film make sure you do, it will leave you with a smile on your face, Guardians of the galaxy also stars Chris Pratt as Peter and Bradley Cooper as Rocket.


One of my Favourite TV shows returned this month The Great British Bake off. This time Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood are Judging peoples creations on BBC1. I love everything about this show Mel and Sue, Mary and Paul, the baking, and especially when the baking doesn't turn out or the contestants drop a cake or something like that, it makes me giggle. 


Something I'm enjoying on Netflix at the moment is a TV show called White Collar. It's about an art thief/conman Neil Caffery who is released from prison on a tag under the condition that he helps FBI Special Agent Peter Burke the Agent who caught him, to solve other white collar crimes. White Collar stars Jeff Eastin, Matt Bomer, Tiffany Thiessen of Saved By The Bell fame and Willie Garson who played Stanford In Sex & The City.

Youtube Channels

My first favourite channel is It's Em Channel This channel is about plus size fashion, beauty and Em also vlogs. She definitely deserves more subscribers.

My second favourite channel is the Saccone Jolys This channel is a vlogging channel about Dad Jonathan, Mum Anna, toddler Emillia, baby Eduardo and their six dogs. The children Emillia and Eduardo have to be two of the cutest children in the world. Emillia is so funny and every time I see her cute little face I smile.  As for Jonathan and Anna they have to up for the award best Parents ever they are so loving towards their children you can see it beaming out of them. I actually would like them to be my parents even though I'm older. If you haven't seen them you really should they could cheer anyone up.

Jonathan & Eduardo

Well those are my random favourites from August, what have yours been?

Thanks for reading and following, hope you visit again soon. xx


3 Responses to “August Random Favourites”

  1. I'm obsessed with the bake-off it's my must-watch tv at the minute! And I completely loved Guardians of the Galaxy too - I haven't had the soundtrack off my spotify haha, great post I love random favourites xxx

    Aisling |

  2. I'm obsessed with the soundtrack to, I can't wait for the film to come out on Blu-ray. Xx

  3. and Zoe Saldana! I've luved her acting ever since Center Stage!



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