Hey Honeybees!
Firstly. I'm a big girl so I'll be talking about any plus size clothing I buy. So I might do some clothing hauls so you can have a nosey and see if there's anything you might wear and like to buy. I may also talk about the best plus size selling shops or issues I have with being plus sized.
I'll also be talking about make up I buy, what I think of the product and if I'd buy them again. I'll also be doing the same for skincare and bathing products. I'd like to say I'm no expert so this will just be my opinion and not expert advice.
Then sometimes I'll talk about my life for example if I go on a day out or to a party etc. Plus I may talk about serious subjects that affect my life like depression, anxiety or other illnesses that affect my family.
Sometimes I'll talk about random stuff, actually I'll probably do that a lot as I do tend to go off on a tangent.
So there you go that's going to be my blog in a nutshell. What do you think? If it sounds good to you then please follow my blog. Also I'd like to hear any comments you have, do you have any other ideas you think I should blog about. I'd love your feedback.
Thanks for reading
Melissa (Honeybee Chatter) xx
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