Hey Honeybees!
Christmas decorations are one of my favourite things about Christmas and I love the personal, unique touches you can make with something home-made.
This year I decided to make something of my own that no-one else has. I decided to make my own Christmas wreath and share with you how I made it.
What you'll need:
A polystyrene half ring (wreath) in your chosen size.
Red wool
Green wool
Red felt
Green felt
Gingerbread felt
Brown felt
Yellow Felt
Black felt
White felt
Red buttons
Coloured buttons
Strong Red thread
Fabric/strong glue
Sewing needles that fit your thread
Jewel stickers
Polyester super soft filling
Christmas ribbon of your choice

Coloured Berry pins
How to make:
To start you'll need the polystyrene wreath in your chosen size, I used a 35cm one. Wrap around the red wool of your chosen colour around the wreath. Make sure to leave a bit of wool at the start of the wrapping so you can tie it at the back to the end bit.
Once you have wrapped the amount of wool you want around the wreath, cut the wool and tie it at the back to the other end of the wool.
Measure how wide the wool you have wrapped around is, so that the next wool you wrap around is the same width.
The next colour I used is green wool, wrap it round the same way you did with the red.
Carry on doing this all the way around the wreath until it is covered with the two colours.
Next you'll need to decide what characters you want on there. I chose to do a Penguin, Reindeer, Gingerbread-man, Christmas pudding and Christmas tree.
Once you know what to put on there, you'll need to find stencils on the Internet of those shapes unless you're good at drawing shapes.
To make a pudding cut out two circles in the brown felt and a half circle in the white felt. Cut the bottom of the white half circle into waves.
Using your fabric glue, stick the white part to one of the brown circles.
Next you'll need to cut out two holly leaves in the green felt.
These should be glued onto the white felt, it can be a bit tricky, let the glue dry before doing the next step.
Once dried, sew a red button just under the leaves to look like a berry.
Next sew the two brown circles together, leaving a gap to stuff the toy stuffing in and then sew the rest.
You make all the other characters in much the same way.
For the Penguin cut out two black circles, two black wings a white heart, a yellow triangle for the beak and two yellow feet. For the eyes I used a hole punch on the black felt.
Next glue the white heart and other bits onto the black circle, glue the wings and feet to the back of the black circle peeping out.
Sew and stuff the Penguin as you did with the pudding.
For the gingerbread man cut out two gingerbread men. Add two eyes and a mouth and sew three coloured buttons on the front.
Sew and stuff as you did with the other shapes.
For the tree cut out two trees, a yellow star and another colour for the tree holder. Glue the star and tree holder onto one of the tree's, then sew on some buttons for baubles.
Again sew and stuff like the others. Next, for the Reindeer cut out two gingerbread coloured Reindeer heads using a stencil and two yellow antlers.
Glue the antlers onto the back of one of the Reindeer heads. Make a red nose using the red felt and a 1 pence piece, glue that and the eyes onto the face.
Sew and stuff Rudolph as with the others.
Once you have done all the characters attach your chosen ribbon to the top of the wreath in a bow,mine has cute Christmas trees on.
Next pin your characters to the wreath using the berry pins and decorate with the jewel stickers.
And that is your wreath finished!
I hope you liked that I know it was a long post but well done if you have got to the end. Have you made any Christmas decorations I'd love to see them? Tag your photos on instagram with #honeybeechatter or post a link in the comments.
Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas. xx